About Andre Yershov, L. Ac.

Andre Yershov, L.Ac.
Meet the founder of Acupuncture NYC, Andre Yershov, L.Ac.

Andre Yershov is a Licensed Acupuncturist and expert Herbalist working in Midtown, New York City. He is a founder of Acupuncture NYC acupuncture clinic. Andre has been a pioneer in his field for 35 years, starting as a Holistic Bodywork Practitioner and later becoming an Acupuncturist and Herbalist. His groundbreaking, highly effective therapeutic system attracts thousands of clients worldwide and helps resolve many health issues.

Andre's Bio

When Andre Yershov first arrived in New York City from Ukraine (formerly the Soviet Union) in 1987, he never imagined that in the next 10 years, he would become a leading specialist in body disorders involving pain and hormonal imbalances, and would be able to help so many people on their path to physical restoration and wellness.

Andre was born in Kharkiv, Eastern Ukraine, to a family with long-standing medical traditions. Andre became interested in acupuncture and herbal medicine from an early age, fascinated by these modalities’ grandiose effectiveness and simplicity as they get to the root cause of ailments without producing side effects. These childhood discoveries still structure Andre’s current practice, Acupuncture NYC. This fascination has led him on a most exciting journey of discovering and forming his own highly effective therapeutic system. Andre believes that in today’s landscape of conventional medicine, characterized by a penchant for rapid remedies and pharmaceutical solutions that frequently prioritize the suppression of symptoms over understanding their underlying causes or considering potential side effects, the necessity for a holistic, integrative approach has never been more pressing.

Philosophy and Approach

Andre is a scholar and a researcher. Early in his career, he traveled extensively worldwide to learn from numerous practitioners specializing in traditional Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine specialties. He utilizes the time-tested classical approach and his creative discoveries to meet the new challenges of modern life in New York City. Andre is passionate about re-discovering effective practical solutions offered by the ancient Masters, applying critical thinking and intuition. He has made a lifelong commitment to continuing education and mastery of his craft. In a highly compartmentalized medical world, Andre applies natural philosophy to bridge the gap between medical specialties, fully upholding a holistic view of body systems while humbly driven by empathy and excellence.

Core Beliefs in Practice

Andre maintains that to deliver the utmost assessment and treatment, practitioners must continually familiarize themselves with, update, and evolve their knowledge, learning from all relevant historical and contemporary sources. Additionally, the success of treatments—whether in acupuncture, herbal medicine, or any other therapeutic field—is largely based on the depth and quality of understanding the practitioner develops about each client. This understanding isn’t static; it evolves and deepens with each interaction and session.

When it comes to holistic medicine, assessing or gauging the status of vitality and function in the body with accuracy is a challenge. The human body is complicated, and proper assessment may not be done through simple assumptions and guesswork. To reach appropriate conclusions, a practitioner must be a scholar and a keen observer of natural phenomena. Only then can we hope to recognize and resolve the patterns of disruptions in the body that obstruct its natural abilities to balance and regenerate itself. In this respect, a great challenge for a practitioner is to recognize the ‘hidden vulnerabilities,’ where ‘normal’ for a client becomes an abstract concept. This results in skewed feedback. Therefore, reliance on diagnostic skills and clear communication with the client are two essential components of clinical success in holistic practice.

Achievements and Recognition

Hard work and diligence towards learning and practice to form his well-rounded approach to the healing of the body as an “energetic entity” is evident in Andre’s credentials, including 35 years in private practice in New York City and being a health consultant to many celebrities and some Royal families in the Middle East. During his career, Andre treated over 10,000 cases as one of the leaders in his profession. However, Andre’s unique approach is defined not only by his physical skills but also by other factors that complement his expertise. His sessions are enriched by his deep commitment to Eastern philosophy, Qi Gong practices, and holistic nutrition. He regularly incorporates these elements to motivate and educate his clients, guiding them towards healthier lifestyle choices and fostering greater awareness of their personal growth and well-being. Clients value both the physical relief they receive from Andre’s treatments and the enriching discussions about life philosophies and insights that occur during their sessions.

Looking Forward

As demand for Andre’s expertise surges, with bookings extending weeks ahead, many ponder how he will expand his practice to meet the growing needs of his clientele. Fortunately, Andre’s commitment to strategic foresight, inventive planning, and holistic growth matches his dedication to physical and mental balance. Expect transformative developments, enhancements, and state-of-the-art upgrades at Acupuncture NYC in the near future—exciting changes are on the horizon!