Acupuncture for pregnancy and after birth support

Back pain and sciatica | Breech birth | Constipation | Edema | Excessive lactation | Fatigue | Heartburn | Hemorrhoids | Insufficient lactation | Labor and delivery pain | Mastitis | Morning sickness | Postoperative healing | Postpartum discharge | Postpartum depression

Many couples struggling to get pregnant suffer from unexplained infertility. After examinations and tests, the doctor states there is no known medical reason to explain why they haven’t conceived. We offer acupuncture treatments for both future partners. This program aims to improve sperm quality and egg quality and harmonize the masculine and feminine before conception.

Pregnancy support acupuncture

Regular balancing acupuncture treatments throughout your pregnancy can improve your health as well as your baby’s health. Theyc can also potentially prevent complications and positively influence the development of your baby. We recommend regular acupuncture sessions throughout your pregnancy. How often you have your treatments depends on your unique symptoms and concerns. Many mothers-to-be are experiencing anxiety, fatigue, back pain, heartburn, nausea, and other symptoms due to the many new demands on their bodies. In such situations, we recommend at least one acupuncture treatment per week. If your pregnancy is going smoothly, once a month, balancing treatment is all you need. Acupuncture effectively relieves many of these symptoms.

Pregnancy support by trimester

Acupuncture during the first trimester sets the foundation for a healthy pregnancy. It can secure pregnancy, alleviate morning sickness, vomiting, fatigue, and headaches.
During the second trimester, acupuncture offers relief and balances the body and helps alleviate stress, sleep problems, heartburn, hemorrhoids, edema, elevated blood pressure, and weight gain.
Acupuncture during the third trimester helps alleviate sciatica, hip, joint, pubic, and back pain. It also prepares both the mother and the baby for labor and delivery.

Healthy mama

With a newborn on your hands, it’s easy to forget about your needs, but it’s so important to recover properly after childbirth. Our three-month postpartum care program helps prevent hair loss, have radiant skin, increase energy, improve sleep, lose baby weight safely, keep anxiety away, and renew sexual desire. We can assist you heal and regain your strength and vitality, rebalance your energy, boost your body’s defenses, and address concerns such as pain, fatigue, and postpartum depression. We also can assist you with low milk supply and mood swings.