Acupuncture treats many health problems and ailments by manipulating the Qi flow. Acupuncturists use it to relieve pain caused by a variety of illnesses and conditions, including:
Back pain | Sciatica | Lower back pain | Hip pain| Knee pain | Neck pain | TMJ| Shoulder pain | Foot pain |
At Acupuncture NYC, we treat the patient, not their symptoms. We understand how painful illness can impact every aspect of your life, including your relationships, job, and family dynamic. Acupuncture NYC combines conventional acupuncture techniques with cutting-edge research to address the entire scope of pain. For many illnesses, such as:
It is widely accepted that acupuncture can reduce pain. Acupuncture therapy could break the pain-spasm-pain cycle and relax muscles by controlling pain. There are two basic strategies to treat muscle pain–direct and indirect. In some occasions, we may need to release a muscle trigger point, a tender and tight muscle band. We can insert an acupuncture needle right into the epicenter of soreness, which helps the muscle to let go and relax. Additionally we may choose to use gua sha or cupping therapy over the sore muscle. These techniques help to recover muscle soreness. Another way we work with muscular pain, once we identified a sore muscle, is by treating an active acupuncture meridian on the opposite part of the body.
In our experience, acupuncture can be very effective in treating painful joints. However, not all joint pains respond equally well to acupuncture, and in depth assessment of the patient’s health history is necessary. Many common causes of joint pain, such as trauma, local inflammation, such as tendinitis and bursitis respond to acupuncture treatments very well. Acupuncture can also benefit patients when more than one joint is affected (polyarthralgia). In this circumstance we focus our treatment on treating the underlying causative factor of joint inflammation. In many cases these factors are a latent infection or an oversensitive immune system.
Nerve pain or neuralgia can come in different forms. The two most common reasons for nerve pain are physical irritation of the nerve, like in sciatica, and inflammation of the nerve caused by a virus, like in postherpetic neuralgia. However, regardless of the causes of neuralgia, the acupuncture techniques we implement in our treatment protocols are very effective in relieving nerver pain. In our opinion, our high success rate in treating neuralgia is due to the implementation of contralateral needling techniques, a style of acupuncture where acupuncture needles facilitate acupuncture on the opposite side of the body, and often on a different limb. Many of our patients report an immediate reduction of pain during and right after the treatment. However, chronic neuralgia must be treated consistently for at least a month for the symptoms to go away permanently.
By Gassan&Edmunt – Copyright © Acupuncture NYC 2021